Kompasbank A/S
Kompasbank A/S ushered in a revolutionary era in fintech banking, dealing mainly with entrepreneurs and small and medium-sized enterprises. Its mission is to propel the growth of businesses by providing tailored financial products that align with their unique needs.
Built on a robust digital infrastructure, Kompasbank offers flexibility and swiftness without compromising the high standards of service, integrity, and other traditional values. This marks an entry into a new digital era in the financial world, poised to significantly impact small and medium-sized enterprises.
While empowering entrepreneurs, Kompasbank extends attractive interest rates on savings to its private customers. This dual approach enables the bank to contribute to the growth of Denmark by utilising a portion of private deposits to fund small and medium-sized enterprises, fostering job creation and opportunities within our society.
In March 2021, Kompasbank secured its license from the financial supervisory authority, with Kjøller and a consortium of investors and business leaders actively involved in the project.
- Kompasbank rejser 92 mio. kr.
- Kompasbank oplever massiv vækst
- Update fra porteføljen: Kompasbank henter 75 mio. kr. i frisk kapital
- Update fra porteføljen: kompasbank på TV
- Ny investering: Kompasbank A/S
Media coverage:
- 2022: Nyt storbanksprodukt har været på fintech-bankers hylder længe – kunder er bundet med 0,1 pct. i rente (Finanswatch.dk)
- 2022: Danmarks yngste bank henter chef med fortid i Sydbank og Danske Bank (Finanswatch.dk)
- 2022: Dansk fintech-bank henter 75 mio. kr. i frisk kapital (Finanswatch.dk)
- 2021: Ny fintech-bank udfordrer sektoren med ny forretningsmodel (Ugebrev.dk)
- 2021: Supported by nCino, kompasbank Launches as a New Business Bank (Globenewswire.com)
- 2021: Ny fintech-bank melder om overvældende positiv modtagelse i markedet (Finanswatch.dk)
- 2021: Danish challenger Kompasbank goes live with Mambu’s cloud banking platform
- 2021: Ny erhvervsbank opruster i ledelsen (Finanswatch.dk)
- 2021: Hvorfor investerede du i Kompasbank? (Magnus Kjøllers AMA)
- 2021: Kompasbank overvejer mindre kapitalrunde for at gøre plads til flere investorer efter trecifret millionindsprøjtning (Finanswatch.dk)
- 2021: Ny bank henter 140 mio. kr. i investeringsrunde (Finanswatch.dk)
- 2021: Danmarks nye bank bygger på ældgammel forretningsmodel tilsat et digitalt tvist (Finanswatch.dk)
- 2021: Ny bank får licens af Finanstilsynet (Finanswatch.dk)
- 2021: Ny bank får banklicens af Finanstilsynet: Vil kapre små og mellemstore virksomheder (Børsen)