Power House
Power House Denmark is a small but ambitious chain of high quality fitness centres.
As a member of Power House, you gain access to a spacious fitness area, functional training, and the opportunity to participate in popular reformer classes, all complemented by luxury amenities such as cold water dispensers and complimentary barista coffee.
At Power House, you'll find the renowned training machines from Hammer Strength, which are some of the best on the market. These top-quality machines, along with the emphasis on community and personal experiences, are what attract many members.
Power House is located in Copenhagen, Aarhus Ø and Odense C. Their ambition is to establish a Power House center in every major city across Denmark.
- Power House kommer til Aalborg
- Kjøller øger sin ejerandel i Power House
- Power House åbner i København
- Power House udvider til København
- Åbningsfest hos Power House Odense
- Ny investering: Power House
Media coverage:
- 2023: Mangemillionær løfter sløret: Vil åbne kæde i Aalborg (Nordjyske)
- 2023: Serieinvestor køber sig ind: Fitnesscenter skal blive en landsdækkende kædeSerieinvestor køber sig ind: Fitnesscenter skal blive en landsdækkende kæde (Finans)
- 2023: Vil åbne et center i alle danske storbyer: Serieinvestor køber sig ind i fitness-virksomhed (KapitalWatch)