Nustay was a hotel booking platform that enabled guests to save up to 70% on luxury five-star hotels.
The novelty of Nustay was that it offered hotels the opportunity to send unique offers to each guest, seeking to create a perfect match between the specific hotel and the individual guest. Nustay developed an algorithm that ranked the guests on interests and consumption patterns based on their profiles.
Media coverage:
- 2021: Hvad skete der med Nustay? (Magnus Kjøllers AMA)
- 2019: Dansk hotelportal skal børsnoteres: Rig teglarving har købt op (Finans)
- 2018: Kendte danske velhavere skyder millioner i hotelportal (Finans)
- 2017: Lars Seiers hotelsats får nye millioner fra Singapore (Børsen)
- 2016: Casper Christensen og Lars Seier i hotelsats (Børsen)
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About the investment
Invested in March 2015.
IPO'ed 4 years later in March 2019.
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