Gender Statistic Report

Investment Cases Received

An analysis of the last 3,000 investment inquiries we have received via the application form on our website.

Women: 11,77 %
Men: 78,83 %
Unknown: 9,40 %

Women: 12,75 %
Men: 81,95 %
Unknown: 5,31 %
United Arab Emirates
Women: 10,43 %
Men: 81,29 %
Unknown: 8,28 %
Other Countries
Women: 9,57 %
Men: 76,77 %
Unknown: 13,67 %

The Board List

Our board list is a list where interested parties can sign up to be informed when opportunities for new board positions in our portfolio companies open up.

Women: 20,03 %
Men: 76,36 %
Unknown: 3,62 %

Women: 20,26 %
Men: 76,29 %
Unknown: 3,45 %
United Arab Emirates
Women: 42,86 %
Men: 57,14 %
Unknown: 0,00 %
Other Countries
Women: 15,49 %
Men: 78,87 %
Unknown: 5,63 %

The Investor List

Our investor list is a list where interested parties can sign up to be informed when our portfolio companies go on the market to raise growth capital.

Women: 10,68 %
Men: 81,22 %
Unknown: 8,10 %

Women: 9,30 %
Men: 85,95 %
Unknown: 4,76 %
United Arab Emirates
Women: 14,17 %
Men: 71,25 %
Unknown: 14,58 %
Other Countries
Women: 11,50 %
Men: 77,55 %
Unknown: 10,95 %

The Career List

Our career list is a list where you can sign up to be notified when our portfolio companies post new positions.

Women: 28,13 %
Men: 68,75 %
Unknown: 3,13 %

Women: 26,50 %
Men: 70,94 %
Unknown: 2,56 %
United Arab Emirates
Women: 50,00 %
Men: 50,00 %
Unknown: 0,00 %
Other Countries
Women: 42,86 %
Men: 42,86 %
Unknown: 14,29 %

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About Kjøller
Kjøller is a privately owned holding and investment company that focuses on investments in both startups and established companies, as well as assistance to existing portfolio companies with strategic advice.

We have ownership in 37 portfolio companies, which together employ over 700 employees.

The data is extracted live from our backend. Using a combination of manual name-to-gender mapping and AI, we assign a gender based on the person submitting the applications name since we historically have not asked for applications gender. Inaccuracies might occour. If there are several founders, the system classiifies based on the gender of the person submitted the case, and nto as a mixed founder team (we don't have data on gender percentage of founder teams structured) . The output is therefor a rough representation.